シンガポール法人 株式会社の清算、解散、登録抹消、閉鎖の価格は以下のとおりです。
1) 会社が自発的に解散をする任意の清算
- 株主による任意清算
- 債権者による任意清算
2) 裁判所命令による強制的に清算する強制清算
3) ACRAによる登記抹消
- The company has ceased operation
- The company has no bank account or the bank account is closed
- The company is not and will not be involved in any court proceedings in or outside Singapore
- The company has no assets and liabilities*
- The company has no outstanding penalties or offers of composition due to the ACRA and is not indebted to other government departments
- The company has no outstanding tax liabilities to / tax refund from the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) **
- The company has no outstanding charges in its charge register (e.g. no mortgages, etc.)
- None of the officers of the company have outstanding ACRA summonses
- If the Company is GST registration, kindly cancel it before the Company is submitting for striking off